Osoby Zarejestrowane w PUP Zabrze Wymagania konieczne: Wykształcenie: średnie zawodowe Uprawnienia: Orzeczenie lekarskie dla celów sanitarno – epidemiologicznych Wymagania inne:

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

osoby zarejestrowane w PUP Zabrze Wymagania konieczne: Wykształcenie: średnie zawodowe Uprawnienia: Orzeczenie lekarskie dla celów sanitarno – epidemiologicznych Wymagania inne:

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

układanie kostki brukowej, docinanie kostki brukowej, zamiatanie kostki brukowej, podawanie kostki brukowej, robienie planta pod kostkę brukową, praca na terenie aglomeracji Śląska, praca w godzinach 7.00-15.00. Wymagania konieczne: Wykształcenie: brak lub...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Sprzedawca w kantynie na terenie Zakładu Karnego, obsługa osób osadzonych oraz pracowników. Wymagania konieczne: Wykształcenie: średnie ogólnokształcące Uprawnienia: książeczka Sanepidowska Uprawnienia: obsługa komputera Uprawnienia: obsługa kasy...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Use analysis tools and...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Use analysis tools and...

Opublikowano: 2024-12-12

Katowicki rynek pracy wypada najlepiej na tle całego województwa śląskiego z perspektywy osób szukających pracy. Katowice zajmują 3. miejsce, jeśli chodzi o najniższą stopę bezrobocia w Polsce. Stopa bezrobocia, która od dłuższego już czasu nie przekracza 3% zdecydowanie wskazuje na rynek pracownika.

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